Staff Answer
We do not suggest using Coconut Oil 76 with versagel as it is a solid at room temperature. This is likely the cause of the separation. The flavor substitution is okay to do.
Posted By: WSP Staff | Date: January 12, 2021 |
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The answer provided indicated not to use coconut oil 76 which I didn't use.....note in my question, I used FRACTIONATED coconut oil that remains liquid at all temps!!! Please read again and try to help me. I have a huge jar of this base and so far is not worth a dime to me!!!
Posted By: Joan | Date: January 12, 2021 |
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Staff Answer
If you added more oil or flavor oil than the recipe called for this could be the cause of separation, as too much of any oil will cause separation. cause separation. Also, if it was overheated this can cause issues. The base is only recommended to be heated up to 160°F.
Posted By: WSP Staff | Date: January 14, 2021 |
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