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Palm Free Bronze Beauty Soap Recipe
Author: Wholesale Supplies Plus
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Crafting your own Palm Free Bronze Beauty soap is an excellent choice for those seeking environmentally conscious alternatives in their skincare routine. This palm oil free soap recipe not only respects the planet but also provides a luxurious experience with its rich, moisturizing lather and stunning bronze hue. Below the recipe, you’ll also find some additional tips and insights to help you perfect this palm free soap recipe and achieve a beautiful and effective bar of soap.

  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Yield: 8 Bars
  • Prep Time / Clean Up: 30 Minutes
  • Perform Time: 2 Hours
  • Total Time: 2 Hours, 30 Minutes (longer if putting through gel, which is recommended)
  • Cure Time: 4-6 Weeks
  • Goggles
  • Extra Long Disposable Gloves (easily found in dishwashing section at your local supermarket)
  • Digital Scale
  • Infrared Thermometer
  • Stick Blender
  • A 2-Quart Glass Mixing Bowl or Microwavable Plastic Bowl
  • 4 x Funnel Pitchers (or containers for mixing in)
  • Small Containers (for holding ingredients, see photo below)
  • 3 x Spatulas
  • Pipettes (for fragrance) (Optional)
  • Measuring Spoons
  • 2 x Fine Mesh Strainers (stainless steel)
  • Paper Towels
  • 8” Tall & Skinny Loaf Mold
  • Calculator
  • Funnel (not pictured)
  • Dust Mask (not pictured)
  • Small Spoon (not pictured)
  • Plastic Wrap (optional)
  • Wax Paper (optional)
  • Scissors (optional)
  • Bulb Syringe (found in the baby department of your local supermarket)
  • Bottle w/ Mist Sprayer Lid
  • Heating Pad (optional)
  • Timer (optional)
  • Plexiglass or Cardboard (cut to fit the top of mold) (optional)
  • Cardboard Frame (to elevate mold cover so the design is not disturbed) (optional)
  • Towels/Blankets (optional)
  • Knife or Wire Soap Cutter (not pictured)
  • Vegetable Peeler (optional)
  • 6.7 oz / 190 g Cold Distilled Water (Water as a percent of oil weight: 25%)
  • 3.7 oz / 105 g Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) (8% Super Fat/Lye Discount)
  • 1.5 teaspoons / 9 g Sodium Lactate 60% (optional) (1 tsp PPO) (helps the soap to harden and release from mold sooner) If not available, dissolve 1/4 teaspoon salt per pound of hard (saturated) oils in distilled water and cool before adding the lye. For this recipe use a scant 1/4 tsp)
  • 8.0 oz / 228 g Coconut Oil (30%)
  • 2.7 oz / 76 g Avocado Oil (10%)
  • 1.3 oz / 38 g Castor Oil (5%)
  • 10.7 oz / 304 g Olive Oil (40%)
  • 4.0 oz / 114 g Cocoa Butter, cut into small pieces (15%)
  • 2.0 oz / 58 g Bronze Goddess Fragrance Oil (5.5%)
  • 1.5 tsp White Kaolin Clay, Divided (1 tsp PPO)
  • Approximately 3 tsp Gold Rush Mica (for mica line and top)
  • Approximately 1 tsp Fiery Copperhead Mica (for mica line)
  • Approximately 4 tsp Isopropyl Alcohol (91% easily found in the first-aid department of your local supermarket or pharmacy)
  • Before starting this tutorial please make sure to read all instructions.
  • You should have a basic understanding of making cold process soap before you begin this tutorial.
  • It is always a good practice to put any new recipe through a soap calculator like http://soapcalc.net/calc/SoapCalcWP.asp.
  • Please note, this fragrance causes a slight discoloration. If you would like a whiter soap add 1 tsp Titanium Dioxide Per Pound of Oils to your batter. (1.5 – 1.75 tsp) Just remember Titanium Dioxide must be dispersed ahead of time because it is notorious for leaving specks if it is not mixed properly.
Step 1 – Gear up for Safety
Put on your long sleeves, long pants, shoes, safety goggles, and gloves. Work in a well-ventilated area that is free from distractions.

If your skin comes in contact with lye or lye/water at any time, flush with water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical help if necessary.

Step 2 – Prepare Ingredients
Before you begin, record the weight of your large mixing bowl, because you will need it later.
It’s time to measure the ingredients. You can refer to the ingredients photo above and the tips below:
  • Measure Castor, Avocado, and Olive Oil into a funnel pitcher.
  • Measure Coconut Oil into the large mixing bowl.
  • Measure the cold Distilled Water into a funnel pitcher or other similar sturdy plastic pitcher.
  • Measure the remaining ingredients individually, measuring the sodium hydroxide last for safety reasons.
Step 3 – Make Lye Solution
Slowly add the Sodium Hydroxide to the cold Distilled Water. Stir gently to avoid splashing. Make sure to avoid breathing any fumes. Stir until the mixture is dissolved. (Please note that when Lye is added to water, it will heat up very quickly. For this reason, never use a glass container for mixing your Lye and Water, and always add Lye to Water and not the other way around because of the potential Lye volcano. Just remember, “Snow falls on the lake.”)

Set it aside in a safe, well-ventilated place to cool. Also, set the Sodium Lactate aside near the Lye Solution.

Step 4 – Prepare Oil and Lye Solution
Melt the Coconut Oil in 30-second bursts. Stir in between bursts and continue until Coconut Oil is completely melted.

Add Cocoa Butter to the melted Coconut Oil. Stir to melt. If the Cocoa Butter doesn’t melt completely, microwave in 30-second bursts, stirring in between bursts until just barely melted.

Add the Castor, Avocado, and Olive Oil mixture to the melted Coconut Oil /Cocoa Butter. Pour down the side of the container or a spatula to avoid introducing bubbles to the mixture. Stir until completely clear.

Weigh the bowl with its contents. Subtract the weight of the bowl that you recorded earlier. Next, divide the resulting number by three. Record this number. Example: 2,339 g – 1,580 g = 759 g / 3 = 253 g

Next, divide the oils into 3 pitchers using the weight you just calculated. Clean mixing bowl for later.

Add ½ tsp White Kaolin Clay and 19 g of Bronze Goddess*Estee Lauder* Type Fragrance Oil to each pitcher. Stick blend each pitcher until the clay is completely incorporated.

Add Sodium Lactate to the cooled lye solution. Next, set the clean mixing bowl on the scale and zero the scale. Strain the lye solution into a mixing bowl. Remove the strainer and note the weight. Divide this weight by 3. Note weight. Example: 294 g / 3 = 98 g

Next, use the amount calculated above to divide the lye water into 3 containers.

Step 5 – Make and Top First Layer
If you want to gel your soap, which is recommended, now is a good time t

Palm Oil Free Soap: Choosing the Right Oils

Since this is a palm oil free soap recipe, it’s important to select alternative oils that provide a similar hardness and lathering quality to those soaps containing palm oil. The mixture of cocoa butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, castor oil, and olive oil are excellent choices that ensure your soap has a rich, creamy lather and firm texture.

Achieving the Perfect Color

The Gold Rush and Fiery Copperhead mica used in this recipe gives the soap its distinctive, shimmering bronze appearance. To ensure even color distribution, thoroughly mix the mica with a small amount of oil before adding it to the main batch. This helps prevent clumps and ensures that the rich, bronze color is evenly dispersed throughout the soap.

Molding and Cutting

Pour your batter into molds smoothly to avoid air pockets, and make sure to tap the molds on a hard surface to release any trapped air. When cutting your set soap, use a sharp, non-serrated knife or soap cutter for clean cuts that preserve the beautiful bronze lines and prevent drag marks.

FAQs About Our Bronze Palm Free Soap Recipe

What makes the Palm Free Bronze Beauty soap environmentally friendly?
This soap is crafted without the use of palm oil, which is often associated with deforestation and habitat destruction. Fortunately, the palm oil carried at Wholesale Supplies Plus is sustainably sourced. Using alternative oils helps reduce the demand for palm oil, making this palm-free soap recipe a more sustainable choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

Can I replace the oils listed in the best palm-free soap recipe with other oils?
Yes, you can experiment with different oils, but ensure they offer similar properties to those like coconut or shea butter for hardness and lathering quality. Always run your revised recipe through a soap calculator to maintain the proper balance of lye and oils.

How do I store my Palm Oil Free Bar Soap after it’s made?
Store your finished soap in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity. Proper storage helps extend the soap's life and preserves its moisturizing properties and aesthetic appeal.

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