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Soap Molds Plastic & Silicone Molds Loaf Mold Columns - (You Are Here - C3687)

Loaf Mold Columns

19 Results  |    Sort By:

Crafter's Choice™ Circle Medium Column Silicone Soap Mold 2024
Build a unique soap design with Crafter's Choice® Medium Circle Soap Column Mold. Combine the large round column soap made from this mold with other shapes to create your own unique design. Embed the round soap column in a Regular Loaf Mold or Loaf Column Mold. When the loaf is cut, you will see the circle design in each bar of soap! This mold is popular for making a "sun" or "moon" for a beautiful sappy landscape.

Helpful Product Information:
Avg. Bar Weight: 4.1 oz Bar Depth: 1"
Bar Length: 8.125" Bar Width: 1"

Crafter's Choice™ Cross Column Silicone Soap Mold 2015
Create a cross-shaped column to be used in a loaf with this silicone soap mold. Craft Easter inspired soaps with this mold or create a design to be sold at you church fundraiser! Embed fits in Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 and Rectangle Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2009.

Holds approx. 6 fl. oz.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Bar Cavities: 1
Bar Depth: 2" Bar Length: 8.125"
Bar Width: 1.375" Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Daisy Mini Column Silicone Soap Mold 2017
Craft a field of soap flowers with this mini column silicone soap mold. Embed them into a larger column for fun spring and summer soap designs. Perfect for Mother's Day or use with the cross embed for an Easter soap design.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Bar Cavities: 1
Bar Depth: 8.125" Bar Length: 0.5"
Bar Width: 0.5" Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Moon Mini Column Silicone Soap Mold 2026
The perfect pair to a sun embed. Set the scene with this beautiful moon embed.

Makes (1) Mini Column Embed
Embed Dimensions: 8.125" x 1" x 0.875"
Embed Average Weight: 2.6 ounces

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Bar Cavities: 1
Bar Depth: 0.875" Bar Length: 8.125"
Bar Width: 1"

Crafter's Choice™ Star Mini Column Silicone Soap Mold 2018
Top your soap Christmas tree embed with this mini star in your next holiday soap loaf. This soapmaking tool can help you create handmade gifts for friends and family around the holidays. This mold is also fitting for the Fourth of July or for a fun New Years soap.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Bar Cavities: 1
Bar Depth: 8.125" Bar Length: 0.5"
Bar Width: 0.5" Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Duck Column Silicone Soap Mold 2013
Bring this adorable duck into your child's next bath. They'll love playing with the duck and you'll love how squeaky clean they'll be. Bath time has never been so much fun! Embed fits in Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 and Rectangle Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2009.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Bar Cavities: 1
Bar Depth: 1.75" Bar Length: 8.125"
Bar Width: 2.375" Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Lips Column Silicone Soap Mold 2025
Design a lovely new soap design with Crafter's Choice® Lips Column Mold. Create soap for Valentine's Day, bachelor parties, or bachelorette parties with this unique mold. Embed fits in Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 and Rectangle Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2009.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 5 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 0.75"
Bar Length: 8.125" Bar Width: 1.75"
Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Candy Cane Column Silicone Soap Mold 2011
Create a candy cane shaped soap embed for your next soap loaf with the candy cane column silicone soap mold. Embed fits in Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 and Rectangle Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2009.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 4.3 oz
Bar Depth: 1.875" Bar Length: 8.125"
Bar Width: 2" Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Triangle Mini Column Silicone Soap Mold 2021
Craft a geometric or mosaic soap with the help of this mini column soap mold. Embed a few together to create interesting designs in a loaf. We recommend buying the circle, square, and triangle mini column loafs together to have various shapes to build with in your column loaf mold.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 0.7 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 8.125"
Bar Length: 0.5" Bar Width: 0.5"
Max Temperature: 500ºF Mold Capacity (oz): 0.7

Crafter's Choice™ Oak Leaf Mini Column Silicone Soap Mold 2027
The perfect embellishment to any fall soap project. Creates a long soap embed that can be used in a soap loaf. When the loaf is cut, the pretty oak leaf will be visible in each slice.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 2.75 oz
Bar Depth: 0.5" Bar Length: 8.125"
Bar Width: 1.5" Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Tear Drop Column Silicone Soap Mold 2030
Embed these tiny water drops into a loaf to make unique bars of soap. Use with the daisy mold to create a spring rain-inspired soap! This mold can also be used as 'watermelon seeds' or to fill in the inside swoop of the Ribbon Column Mold as well.

Makes (1) 0.45 oz. Soap Embed
Embed Dimensions: 8.125" x 0.5" x 0.25"

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Bar Cavities: 1
Bar Depth: 8.125" Bar Length: 0.5"
Bar Width: 0.25" Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Heart Mini Column Silicone Soap Mold 2014
Add some love to your soap design with this mini heart silicone soap mold. We love the ideas of using this inside the gingerbread man mold or using a bunch inside the large heart mold. Use your artistry to craft a beautiful soap for Valentine's Day or a wedding.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 0.9 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Length: 0.625"
Bar Width: 0.5" Max Temperature: 500ºF
Mold Capacity (oz): 0.9

Crafter's Choice™ Squiggle Column Silicone Soap Mold 2003
Design a unique bar of soap with this versatile squiggle column mold. Use it as a symbol for water or waves, couple it with a daisy or tulip to make a complete flower, or add it as a happy worm in your fisherman's soap. Embed fits in Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 and Rectangle Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2009.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 4 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 8.25"
Bar Length: 2" Bar Width: 0.25"
Max Temperature: 500ºF Mold Capacity (oz): 4

Crafter's Choice™ Pumpkin Column Silicone Soap Mold 2022
Produce beautiful pumpkin patches of handmade soap with this pumpkin column mold. This mold is constructed of silicone. The pumpkin soap column made from this mold can be sliced for cute guest bars or embedded into Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 as a cute embed.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 8.75 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 1.5"
Bar Length: 8.125" Bar Width: 1.5"
Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Oval Medium Column Silicone Soap Mold 2028
Build a unique soap design with Crafter's Choice® Oval Column Mold. Combine the oval column soap made from this mold with other shapes to create your own unique design. Embed the oval column in a Regular Loaf Mold or Loaf Column Mold. When the loaf is cut, you will see the oval design in each bar of soap!

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 6.25 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 1"
Bar Length: 8.125" Bar Width: 1.5"
Max Temperature: 500ºF

Crafter's Choice™ Oval Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2010
This oval shaped column mold stands vertical, and allows soapers to embed soap in a new way. Place embeds made from Crafter's Choice Column Shape Molds and Column Mini Molds to create a unique design. *We recommend shaping this mold before use, and supporting this loaf mold or pouring in layers for best results.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 38 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 8.125"
Bar Length: 2.375" Bar Width: 3.75"
Max Temperature: 500ºF Mold Capacity (oz): 38

Crafter's Choice™ Star Column Silicone Soap Mold 2005
Give your children or students gold stars with handmade bars of soap made from this mold! This mold can also be used around the holidays or Fourth of July. Embed fits in Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 and Rectangle Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2009.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 7.4 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 8.25"
Bar Length: 1.75" Bar Width: 1.75"
Max Temperature: 500ºF Mold Capacity (oz): 7.4

Crafter's Choice™ Gingerbread Man Column Silicone Soap Mold 2007
Marry the gingerbread man soap made with this mold with a gingerbread fragrance for a merry and festive holiday soap! Embed fits in Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 and Rectangle Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2009.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 10 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 8.25"
Bar Length: 1.75" Bar Width: 1.5"
Max Temperature: 500ºF Mold Capacity (oz): 10

Crafter's Choice™ Tree Column Silicone Soap Mold 2006
Create a wintery landscape with this tree mold or turn it into a Christmas tree with some mini circle column embeds. Use the mini star column to add the finishing touch on top! Embed fits in Crafter's Choice Regular Loaf Silicone Mold 1501 and Rectangle Regular Column Silicone Soap Mold 2009.

Helpful Product Information:
Style: Column Avg. Bar Weight: 15.5 oz
Bar Cavities: 1 Bar Depth: 8.25"
Bar Length: 2.25" Bar Width: 1.75"
Max Temperature: 500ºF Mold Capacity (oz): 15.5

19 Results 30 60 Per Page
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